From Data to Dialogue: How Creative Data Viz Fosters Human Connections 

In business, we often look to our data for answers: to guide important decisions, to optimize space, or to contextualize trends. While data is undeniably crucial for all kinds of business purposes, when used creatively, it doesn’t just provide answers—data can inspire curiosity, delight the senses, and bring people closer to both shared institutional values and each other. This was the guiding principle behind a recent project where I transformed ordinary conference badges into bespoke data portraits with associated icebreaker and workshop activities, turning mundane identifiers into meaningful connectors that spark intrigue and conversation. 

One survey, three ideas

To deepen connections within our organization, a consulting practice within CannonDesign, we launched a survey around the theme “Learning About Me to Build a Better We.” This brief yet insightful questionnaire consisted of six questions: three “me” questions that delved into personal traits and preferences, and three “we” questions that explored how individuals perceive and interact within a team. We also included a fill-in-the-blank prompt, “I help my clients__________” to capture personal expressions of purpose and value. Leveraging the data collected, we developed three unique products and activities.

The survey was short and sweet, and we had a 100% response rate.

First, we crafted bespoke Data Portraits for each participant. Each portrait was a unique composition of colors, shapes and symbols, carefully selected to represent different facets of the participant’s personal traits, preferences and perceptions within the team. These visual representations not only celebrated individual uniqueness but also sparked curiosity and conversations, fostering a deeper understanding and connection among colleagues. his allowed team members to see themselves—and each other—in a new, engaging light. 

Inspiration for the colors, shapes, and patterns of the badges was drawn from the retreat branding.

Second, we introduced a Collect and Connect icebreaker game featuring custom avatar stickers uniquely designed for each team member. These avatars captured individual personalities, adding a personalized touch to the experience. The retreat badges were designed as a passport-like booklet, with designated spaces to place stickers collected from colleagues. Throughout the event, team members were encouraged to mingle, engage in conversations and exchange stickers. This interactive activity turned the work of networking into a fun scavenger hunt, breaking down social barriers and prompting interactions that might not have occurred otherwise. As colleagues sought to complete their sticker collections, they naturally discovered shared interests and forged new connections. The game not only enlivened the atmosphere but also fostered a sense of community and camaraderie, transforming traditional networking into a memorable and engaging experience. 

The first colleague to complete the icebreaker game won a copy of Deja the Dynamo, our firm’s first children’s book!

Finally, we hosted a Beyond Today Workshop centered around the fill-in-the-blank statement, “I help my clients__________”. The responses to this survey question were surprising; the responses tended to be agnostic of practice or service market. Instead, our colleagues focused on the value they bring to their clients beyond subject matter or even technical skill. The workshop encouraged colleagues to reflect on these strengths, passions, and the unique value they bring to their clients. By sharing these insights, we aimed to inspire one another to broaden our impact and apply our collective talents to serve a wider client base. This holistic approach not only fostered individual self-awareness but also enhanced our team’s cohesion and alignment with our broader institutional values.  

Breakout groups discuss their survey responses and how to expand their value for new client types.

The power of data to delight and connect

This project highlights a fundamental truth: data doesn’t have to be cold or detached. When harnessed thoughtfully, it can be a source of joy and a catalyst for human connection. Here are some broader themes and takeaways from this work:

Visual storytelling transcends barriers 

Data portraits can communicate complex information quickly and effectively. They transcend language and cultural barriers, making them powerful tools in diverse settings. The artistic designs sparked curiosity and invited people to explore the person behind the data. 

Encouraging authentic interactions 

By incorporating personal preferences into the survey and the badges, conversations moved beyond small talk. People connected over shared experiences, goals and values, leading to more meaningful and authentic interactions. 

Personalization enhances engagement 

In this project, personalization was key. By tailoring each badge to reflect individual responses, attendees felt seen and valued. This personal touch increases engagement, as people are naturally drawn to representations of themselves. 

Reinforcing institutional values 

This project aligned with broader institutional goals by highlighting core values such as collaboration, innovation and personal development. The badges served as constant, visual reminders of what the organization stands for, reinforcing these ideals throughout the events. 

Implementing data portraits in your organization 

For those interested in replicating this approach, here are some steps to consider: 

  • Collaborate with creative teams: Work closely with designers who understand both the artistic and data aspects. Their expertise will ensure the final product is both aesthetically pleasing and meaningful. 
  • Define clear objectives: Understand what you want to achieve. Is it to foster connections, highlight achievements, or reinforce your company’s culture or values? Clear goals will guide the data selection and design process. 
  • Ensure data privacy: Be mindful of the personal data used. Obtain consent and ensure that all information shared is appropriate for a public setting. 
  • Make it interactive: Consider adding elements that allow attendees to personalize their badges further during the event, such as stickers or markers. 
  • Gather feedback: After the event, seek feedback to understand the impact and identify areas for improvement in future iterations. 

Data has immense potential beyond analytics and reports. When harnessed creatively, it becomes a powerful tool to delight individuals, foster human connections and reinforce the fabric of an organization’s culture. The bespoke data portraits used in our retreat are testament to this potential. They transformed simple name badges into engaging conversation starters and visual narratives, enriching the experience for all involved. 

As organizations continue to seek ways to engage and connect their people, embracing innovative uses of data can lead to unexpected and delightful outcomes. It’s not just about what the data says, but how it’s presented and shared that can make all the difference. 

Images by FD Finch Photography and CannonDesign. 

Melissa is a creative professional who hovers at the intersection of design, technology, data, urbanism, and visualization.