Month: February 2024

Data Design in Focus: Students Review Diverse Installations at Venice Biennale 2023
During a visit to the Venice Biennale in November 2023, a series of reviews of selected installations and presentations were created by students from the Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) Offenbach, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU), and the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK).

Review: Modern Man in the Making & Joy and Fear
"Joy and Fear" is an illustrated report that continues the exploration begun in Otto Neurath's 1939 book "Modern Man in the Making." It examines how modernity's promises and failures impact humanity, highlighting the uneven distribution of modern benefits across the globe.

Review and Re-Design: 344 Questions
Stefan G. Bucher's 344 Questions is one of the best books I’ve never finished. It's a list of questions from dozens of creative professionals, organized in a series of vibrant flow charts, that help you define and solve problems in work and life. In that one-sentence description alone, it's already doing more than most therapists, coaches, and generative applications. Let's unpack why.

Review: “Our Environment” by the Data Science x Design Collective
Our Environment, the newest installment in the Data Science x Design Collective’s series of anthologies, is a delightful collection of essays, zines, fictional short stories, and reflections on the data-fied world around and inside each of us.

Streaming Media Year-in-Review
In this article, I share my journey of using the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) to wrestle my media data from the clutches of streaming services. We'll explore the importance of data ownership, navigate the (sometimes absurd) hurdles, and create a personalized, cross-platform media retrospective.

What to Consider When Considering the Audience
"Considering the audience" is one of the most important pieces of advice in storytelling and data visualization, but is can be a vague suggestion. This article turns this suggestion into a checklist you can go through to ensure your audience is considered.