SPOTLIGHT: Visualization of Dog Lady (La mujer de los perros)

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The aim of this project was to translate the film script of Dog Lady (La mujer de los perros) – an Argentinian movie by Laura Citarella and Verónica Llinás – into navigable pieces of schematics and data visualization. 

In my illustrated projects I usually use high degrees of detail and sensitivity, so it was a big challenge to translate concrete and hard data into a soft and sensitive language. 

In my work, I´ve always preferred to go from the small to the big, from the particular to the general. I formulate those units as cellular microorganisms that constitute a whole. I strive for the close look, the relief in the detail, and the confidence in the repetition. 

I’ve found a great revelation in the translation of my illustrated project methodology to data visualization. This practice allows for infinite combinatorial creativity, crossing data to generate information, weaving a story, playing at being a cartographer of the subjective. 

At the end of the day, a scheme is a rapport of information, a mesh of data. 

The challenge of the unassimilable arises from the need for information not to be limited to material elements such as locations, costumes, or inventories, but to run the risk of trying to account for the invisible, the non accumulative, the subjective: that emotional atmosphere that is sewn and it sneaks into the interstices of that world of apparent material sequences. 

Sometimes, color and textures reach places that language does not allow. 

And in the useless attempt to escape words, ask yourself: Where does time accumulate? What does the cold look like? What smell does silence have? In an increasingly convulsive and quantitative world, where every action seems to unleash a river of statistics and algorithms, where everything seems calculable and reducible to a number, perhaps it is a relief not to find answers.

Image courtesy of the author.

I ́m Pilar Veiga, and my pseudonym is Pilar Dibujito. I’m an illustrator and designer student at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am currently working as a freelancer and focusing on pattern and stamping design.

Soy Pilar Veiga, y mi pseudónimo es Pilar Dibujito. Soy una ilustradora y estudiante diseñadora de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Actualmente trabajando como freelancer, y especializándome en diseño de estampas.