Three Questions with… Peter Grundy

This content originally appeared as part of The ‘Gale newsletter.

This installment of “Three Questions With …” features 40-year design veteran Peter Grundy, a London-based information designer working under the name Grundini. His work in the field began in 1980 when he co-founded Grundy & Northedge, a firm focused on using visual communication to explain, not sell. Grundy’s iconic illustrations embrace a bold, cut-paper style while tackling topics as complex as the human brain or London Gatwick Airport.

1. If you could be any type of chart, what would you be?

I’d be a star chart because, after forty years in the business, I can consider myself so. [Ed. note: We agree!]

2. If you were stuck on a desert island, what viz would you want to create and what would you use to make it?

If I was on a desert island it would be to get away from ‘VIZ.’

3. What is one visualization that has inspired you?

Le Corbusier (the architect) created the ‘Modulor’ based on the human form, in conjunction with the golden section, as a directive of proportions for reference in his and other buildings. It was this diagram that inspired me as a student to be an information designer.

Le Corbusier’s ‘Modulor’


Claire Santoro is an information designer with a passion for energy and sustainability. For 10 years, Claire has worked with governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, and higher education to accelerate climate action by communicating complex information in an engaging, approachable way. Claire holds an M.S. in environmental science from the University of Michigan.