I recently learned that my 2021 article about why I no longer use box plots is now the second-most-read article in Nightingale’s history? (or, at..
Nick Desbarats
Have I Resolved the Pie Chart Debate?
To use pie charts or not, that is the question! Here are a few arguments in favor of pie charts that have been missing from the debate.
Nick Desbarats
Connected Scatterplots Make Me Feel Dumb
Connected scatterplots are often used to show the relation between two variables over time. Why use them when there are better alternatives?
Nick Desbarats
Why I Stopped Using Bullet Graphs (and What I Now Use Instead)
tl;dr: After teaching many data professionals about bullet graphs and using them in many dashboards, I started to notice that they had a fair number..
Nick Desbarats
Are Vertical Line Charts Ever a Good Idea?
I recently asked dataviz Twitter if anyone could point to situations in which a vertical line chart was the best chart type for that situation...
Nick Desbarats
A Map of Data Visualization (For Discussion!!)
The data visualization field is fascinating and I feel incredibly fortunate to be working in it, but, frankly, it’s also kind of a mess: It’s..
Nick Desbarats
Does Data Visualization Have Rules? Or Is It All Just “It Depends”?
tl;dr: In the data visualization community, there are those who believe that there are universal rules such as “Never use pie charts”, or, “Always include..
Nick Desbarats
I’ve Stopped Using Box Plots. Should You?
tl;dr: After having explained how to read box plots to thousands of workshop participants, I now believe that they’re poorly conceived (box plots, not workshop..
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