I’m so smitten with learning that I fear I may be addicted to it. Imagine my delight when I learned about How To Solve It..
Shachee Swadia
The Declutter and Focus Concepts – Popular Academic Opinions or Effective Design Principles?
Declutter and focus are two guidelines for creating clear and efficient visualizations. The declutter guideline suggests removing all the non-critical elements of the chart like..
William Careri
Designing for Neurodivergent Audiences
When a group of autistic individuals coined the term neurodiversity in an attempt to redefine their identity, few would accurately predict the impact it would..
Erica Gunn
Why Can’t We Have More Fun?
This is part 8 in a series of articles that illustrate how basic design principles can improve information display. The previous article reviewed chart choices..
Erica Gunn
Who Is Your Chart For?
This is the fourth in a series of articles that illustrate how basic design principles can improve information display. The previous article focused on cleaning up the..
Erica Gunn
How to Use Whitespace, the Punctuation Between Visual Elements
This is the first in a series of articles that illustrate how basic design principles can improve information display. The next installment will apply some..
Erica Gunn
Designing for Charts
This is the third in a series of articles that illustrate how basic design principles can improve information display. Previous articles focused on whitespace and..
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