As I was heading out to the mosque for the evening prayer, I heard a soft voice from the kitchen—”Abbu, wait! I’ll join you.”It was..
Gulrez Khan
Cultivating Data Literacy with Board Games
बस हवा से भरे गुब्बारे हैं ये सुई चुभा दो तो फट जायेंगे।लोग गुस्से में Bomb नहीं बना करते !~Gulzar Rough translation of the above lines..
Nightingale Editors
Meet Daphne, the Dragon on the Back of Nightingale Issue 5
Once upon a time—or perhaps just last month—Issue 5 of Nightingale landed in the hands of readers around the world. On its back cover, a..
Meredith Kiljan
Review: Daphne Draws Data
Daphne Draws Data by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic introduces young readers to the world of data visualization, math, and creativity through a fun, visual approach. The..
Joseph Mackereth
Review: Drawing Data with Kids
The book "Drawing Data with Kids" makes data visualization accessible, low-tech, and something the whole family can do—no screens required.
Agnes Vilia, Aquila Adimurti, Regina Nurashari & Arran Ridley
Teaching Data Visualisation to Middle Schoolers in Jakarta
The class allowed students to see data as not just a result of gathering facts from the world, but as a tool to make meaning of reality.
Nightingale Editors
Magic Creature Rescue Mission
Hone your data visualization skills in this collaborative board game. Can you rescue the magical creatures before their powers are lost forever?
Ana Paula Lamberti Bertol
Lalena Fisher: Telling A Children’s Story With Infographics
An interview with children's author Lalena Fisher, whose latest book introduces kids to charts and diagrams that tell a story of friendship.
Gulrez Khan
From Chocolates to Bar Graphs
“Abbu, I’ll make a graph of all the chocolates you eat while I’m asleep and will send it to your team,” my daughter Pariza complained,..
Laura Ellis
The Ellis Puppy Olympics: A Kids’ Data Visualization Challenge
Recently, it has been HOT in Austin, Texas, with highs getting close to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. As a family, we are always looking ways to..
Jonathan Schwabish & Claire McKay Bowen
Data4Kids: A Collaborative Project to Teach Kids about Data
When the COVID-19 pandemic first shut down in-person learning, we knew education wouldn’t be the same. How could kids—especially younger kids in elementary and middle..
Gulrez Khan
Drawing Data with Kids
For many of us, the pandemic has merged the two worlds of “home” and “office.” On the rare occasions that I used to work from..
Nancy Organ
THE KIDS’ TABLE: Draw Along Dataviz
Welcome to Draw Along Dataviz!This article is part of The Kids’ Table section on kids dataviz. This section of Nightingale is filled with mini-lessons and..
Julia Krolik
Data Visualization for Kids
It all started when my nine-year-old son brought home his grade four math homework. (We live in Canada and he attends a French immersion program..
Alli Torban
How to Create Wonder with Data and a Physical Object
“And the T-Rex was SO big!” squealed my best friend Emily, who was sitting next to me on the bus ride to Kindergarten. It was..
Federica Fragapane
Can Data Visualization Help Us Talk to Children About Earth?
Writing with visual alphabets As a data visualization designer, I think about the pieces I’m working on as the visual equivalent of articles or stories...
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