At Gramener, we each took up a personal data challenge over the month of December 2020. Since my family at home had been fighting over how..
Cory Cone
Finding a Through Line, or My Creative Process Is a Mess, So Is Life, and That’s Okay (Probably)
On December 10th, 2020, I presented my Master’s thesis over Zoom to a panel of guests and other members of my cohort in the Data..
Javier Sanchez Gutierrez
Data Visualization in Parasite
A few months after becoming the first Korean film awarded the Palme d’Or at Cannes Film Festival, the president of the jury, Alejandro G. Iñarritu,..
Kat Greenbrook
My Plastic Footprint: a Physical Data Visualisation Project
We measure and collect data on things we want to understand. In understanding the numbers, we hope to learn more about the world we live..
Mary Aviles
Thoughtful Design: The Power of Naive Optimism
I hope that I am raising my three children to be inquisitive, innovative thinkers (and also good humans!). Design thinking was not a capital-T Thing..
Mary Aviles
Data Visualization As an Act of Witnessing
In late 2016, I read an article by Michael Brennan, principal of Detroit-based, nonprofit design firm Civilla, in the Harvard Business Review. I was haunted by this line: “I..
Emilia Ruzicka
Racial Bias in Code and Data: An Interview with Alex Garcia
As a young data journalist, I was advised to attend NICAR — an annual data journalism conference organized by Investigative Editors and Reporters and their suborganization, the National..
Jason Forrest
The Process of Familiarity: An Interview with Nicholas Rougeux
I remember the first time I stumbled across the work of Nicholas Rougeux — it was his painstaking recreation of Werner’s Nomenclature of Colours — and I..
Noëlle Rakotondravony & Jason Forrest
Intricate & Visually Exciting: An Interview with Nadieh Bremer
Nadieh Bremer is an award-winning data visualization designer and artist, from a small town near Amsterdam. Nadieh’s projects demonstrate the beauty, fun, and excitement of working in dataviz...
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