Welcome to the second installment of Data, Viz + Design Delights! If this is your first time here — welcome! If you’re tuning in for round two, thank you — I hope you find this issue just as (if not more) interesting than the last. You’ll find a selection of curated links, vetted by me, on data viz and design. It contains things I’ve found helpful, enlightening, inspiring, or just stuff I thought was neat in the past month. Links are loosely organized into topics such as vizzes, articles, tutorials, etc. This month I found some new-to-me resources I’m excited to share with the community.
Without further ado, here’s what I found cool in October!

Data Visualizations
- Medieval Murder Maps (University of Cambridge)
- Gallery of works that use Tristan Guillevin’s AdvViz (Advanced Visualization Generator) Tool
- 24 Hours in an Invisible Epidemic (Pudding.Cool)
- Byte-sized Graphic Guide to Data Storage (BBC Future)
- An Extremely Detailed Map of New York City Neighborhoods (New York Times)
- Taylor Swift Hits Billionaire Status as Net Worth Surges With Eras Tour Success (Bloomberg)
- Fossil Fuel Power Plants Kill 35x More Birds Than Wind Turbines (Michael Thomas)
- You Should Look at This Chart About Music Genres (Pudding.Cool)
- Hot Strike Summer: A Prequel – Datawrapper Blog (Datawrapper)
- ‘People are happier in a walkable neighborhood’: the US Community That Banned Cars (The Guardian)
- How to Fix the Internet | MIT Technology Review (Katie Notopoulos)
- Challenging the Idea of a Bad Map (Daniel Huffman)
- The Plastic Paradise of Tokyo’s Famous Kitchen Town (New York Times Magazine)
- Quantifying Semantic Labeling of Visual Features in Line Charts (Denny Bromley, Vidya Setlur)
- Disney’s 100 years: Meeting change with innovation (Reuters Graphics)
- Scrap the ‘Fiesta’ Fonts. It’s Time to Rethink Hispanic Heritage Month Design (LA Times)
- GitHub – BlakeRMills/MoMAColors: Color Schemes Based Around Artwork and the Museum of Modern Art. (Blake Robert Mills)
- Image Color Picker, to get a pixel’s color code
- How Many Lines are too Many? – Data Revelations (Steve Wexler)
- Dashboard Design Patterns
- Remind Readers of the Colors in Your Data Visualization (Datawrapper)
- Datasets – Project MERCURY Open Access Roman Datasets
- Spotify Genre Data (Pudding.Cool)
And to close out October, a thread on color theory in It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.
As much as I’d love to read all day, I cannot keep up with the entire internet. Want to share something interesting? Send me a link through this form!
Brittany is a design enthusiast who believes everyone is better with equitable access to data. A serial dabbler in community data projects, Brittany is also a Tableau Public Ambassador, and was a finalist in the 2023 Iron Viz competition. When she’s not vizzing she enjoys reading, movies, taking care of her aquariums and growing plant collection, and traveling.