This article originally appeared in Issue 1 of Nightingale Magazine. Purchase a copy, while supplies last. Paper and no pencil? An analogue data creation challenge!..
Joseph Ricafort
Creating Personas to Identify Yourself in the Community and Data
In this post, I am going to walk you through the process of creating the Data Visualization Society State of the Industry Survey 2021 Challenge..
Brianna Wilson
Embracing Mobile to Make Your Data Visualizations More Equitable
Most of us have issues we care deeply about, whether they are large or small, individual or societal. When you think about the issues that..
Mary Aviles & Jason Forrest
Information Empowerment: A Reciprocal Data Literacy Case Study, Part 3
This is part three of a six-part series dedicated to sharing cross-functional ideas for design thinkers, data practitioners, business intelligence analysts, researchers, policymakers, and subject..
Letícia Pozza
Experimenting Can Lead to Great Dataviz
Encontre a tradução em português deste artigo aqui. Some may have the idea that creating an amazing data visualization requires the stars to align. But..
Jason Forrest, Jill A. Brown, Nate Coursey, Tristan Guillevin, Jeff Harrison & Eli Holder
“In the end, all data visualization ends up with a conversation” — A Joint Review of Eyeo 2022
The Eyeo festival has always held an interesting place in the community as, I’m told, it never really focused on any specific subject matter. At..
Laura Ellis
The Ellis Puppy Olympics: A Kids’ Data Visualization Challenge
Recently, it has been HOT in Austin, Texas, with highs getting close to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. As a family, we are always looking ways to..
Tiziana Alocci
Exploring Necessity, a Personal Data Art Project, by Tiziana Alocci
Tiziana Alocci, an award-winning information designer and lecturer based in London, recently launched a new data art series, Necessity. To learn more about the project,..
Alberto Molina
SPOTLIGHT: How to Say ‘I Love You’ with a Graphic
For the past two years, the data visualization narratives we’ve become familiar with infection curves, maps of health zones, and models of how the virus..
India Johnson
The Soul of Data: Data Physicalizations on Fabric
When my area went into lockdown in March of 2020, initial case counts were relatively low in my state, even as the coasts were plunged into..
Mary Aviles
REVIEW: Mindworks – The Science of Thinking
Researchers and analysts are always seeking new ways to engage people, to help their insights feel meaningful to their audiences. Action is rarely generated from..
Lori Witzel
Did Data Visualization Erase the Woman from Women’s Work?
As the world changed over the past two years, more and more of my friends took to handcrafts like quilting and knitting as a counterbalance..
Anda Lupascu
Big Data, Cute Story
Happy New Year to all! As January ticks on, I think we are all familiar with the contestable tradition of the New Year Resolution. But..
Mary Aviles
REVIEW: Detroit in 50 Maps by Alex B. Hill
In professional and community circles, Detroit can sometimes feel like a small town. I started hearing about Alex B. Hill and his site, Detroitography, early..
Eva Sibinga
SPOTLIGHT: How Do We Measure Unpaid Labor?
I thought a lot about labor and care in the winter and spring of 2021. Like many other people, I spent most of that time..
Martina Zunica
SPOTLIGHT: 100 Days of Happiness
2022 has just started and I’m taking stock of the last year, of achievements, loved ones, and things to work on. Have I lived at..
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