Very often the combination of blue and yellow suggests the color green. In this writing I provide a different perspective on this combination. I discuss..
Christen Spehr
Five Ways to Teach Math as an Art Form
Some days it feels like my first words were, “I hate math.” There’s a stereotype that creative ‘right-brainers’ can’t do math, and as a writer..
Rachel Costa
Data + Women Quarterly: Finding Your Path in the Data & Tech Industry
Hello everyone! I’m Rachel, one of the co-organisers of the Data + Women network. Nice to meet you! For those who have never heard of..
Kathryn Hurchla
Getting to Know… Lawrence Gray, PhD
The dataviz community is broad and encompasses practitioners from a range of backgrounds, professions, and interests. In an effort to get to know the community,..
Milán Janosov
50 Years of Oscars: Acting Success and Collaboration
The Academy Awards, also known as the Oscars, have been one of the most prestigious awards in the film industry for nearly a century, acknowledging..
Tyler Freeman
Does Twitter’s Algorithm Hate Your Friends?
I love Twitter. Well, I love my community on Twitter. I love learning about new art, new events, scientific discoveries, and social movements new and..
Claire Santoro
Three Questions with… Michael Brenner
This content originally appeared as part of The ‘Gale, Nightingale’s biweekly newsletter. Michael Brenner is the Head of Design at DATA4CHANGE and the creator of..
Jason Forrest
REVIEW: Atlas of the Invisible
It’s been about 450 years since Theatrum Orbis Terrarum was published by Dutch cartographers in 1570 as an attempt to collect the entirety of knowledge..
Claire Santoro
Three Questions with… Mary Aviles
This content originally appeared as part of The ‘Gale, Nightingale’s biweekly newsletter. Currently a senior UX researcher at Detroit Labs and the managing editor of Nightingale,..
Michael Friendly
Colorless Green Graphs Sleep Furiously: A Conversation with Leland Wilkinson
This article traces some history of ideas behind Leland Wilkinson’s development of the Grammar of Graphics (and later, of ggplot2) in the form of a..
Claire Santoro
Three Questions with… Nancy Organ
This content originally appeared as part of The ‘Gale, Nightingale’s biweekly newsletter. Nancy is currently a freelance data visualization designer and developer, with past lives..
Erica Gunn
Step 1 in the Data Exploration Journey: Getting Oriented
This article is part II in a series on data exploration, and the common struggles that we all face when trying to learn something new...
India Johnson
The Soul of Data: Data Physicalizations on Fabric
When my area went into lockdown in March of 2020, initial case counts were relatively low in my state, even as the coasts were plunged into..
Alexandra Khoo
Blog This: Transforming How Students Engage and Learn from Visualization Research
What started out as an experiment by Professor Niklas Elmqvist to make student work more meaningful gave rise to VisUMD. It’s a Medium blog that..
Yuliia Nikitina
How to Create a Pivot Marimekko Chart in Plain JavaScript
You have probably already seen many different articles on bar and pie charts. It’s enough to suggest that they are the only chart options available..
Milán Janosov
Is There a Happy Ending for the Peaky Blinders?
Peaky Blinders is an award-winning historical drama series produced by BBC Studios. The show is set between the two world wars and is centered around..
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