To use pie charts or not, that is the question! Here are a few arguments in favor of pie charts that have been missing from the debate.
Alex Kolokolov
When Charts Looks Like Spaghetti, Try These Saucy Solutions
Tangled heaps of lines and numbers are a recipe for disaster. Here's how to make a dashboard with more visually appetizing charts.
Krisztina Szucs
How to Create Animated Stacked Triangle Charts Without Code
With Plot Parade you can make a stacked triangle chart without code. The tool can also turn the chart into a GIF animation. Here's how.
Nick Desbarats
Connected Scatterplots Make Me Feel Dumb
Connected scatterplots are often used to show the relation between two variables over time. Why use them when there are better alternatives?
TK Sajeev Kumar
Infographics Journalist Charles Apple on Making Effective Charts
Charles Apple, the "Further Review" page editor of The Spokesman-Review of Spokane, Washington, talks about graphics reporting.
Matthew Mason & Massimiliano Belli
Step Aside Line Graphs And Bar Charts! This Is a Job For Me.
If line charts and bar charts don't quite fit the data, step charts can be a great alternative. Here's a primer on when—and how to—use them.
Victoria Radnothy
Worth the Right Swipe? Using Data to Find Love on Dating Apps
Curious about online dating life but hesitant to try out the apps, a love-seeker visualizes dating data to boost chances of success.
Satya Amaran
Defying Chart Design Rules for Clearer Data Insights
Sir David MacKay, a UK scientist, challenged conventional chart design and created a truly insightful data visualization about sustainable energy.
Melissa Malguy
Visualizing Metal and Mayhem
Geared for modern day metal cover bands, this data viz project layers data from different sources to show which bands rock the charts.
Cédric Scherer
The #30DayChartChallenge Is Ready to Kick Off
The #30DayChartChallenge is a data visualization community challenge to create a visualization on a particular theme each day in April. The challenge began in 2021 and is about to launch its third year.
Srini Kadamati
A Eulogy for Dark Sky, a Data Visualization Masterpiece
A deep look at how the Dark Sky weather app used simple but highly effective charts to report and contextualize the weather.
Zach Rottman
I Visualized My One-Year-Old’s Relentless Daycare Bugs and It Calmed Me Down
When viruses started coming home from daycare and making his family sick, this dad made a data visualization to keep things in perspective.
Gulrez Khan
From Chocolates to Bar Graphs
“Abbu, I’ll make a graph of all the chocolates you eat while I’m asleep and will send it to your team,” my daughter Pariza complained,..
Jason Forrest
Behind the Scenes of “Unimaginable Death”
Below is an interview with the authors of “Unimaginable Death: Visualizations of COVID-19 Pandemic Milestones,” which appears this month as a supplement to Nightingale Magazine,..
Eli Holder
Unfair Comparisons: How Visualizing Social Inequality Can Make It Worse
Our new research shows how popular chart choices can trigger unconscious social biases and reinforce systemic racism. At first glance, the charts below seem harmless...
Nick Desbarats
Why I Stopped Using Bullet Graphs (and What I Now Use Instead)
tl;dr: After teaching many data professionals about bullet graphs and using them in many dashboards, I started to notice that they had a fair number..
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