To use pie charts or not, that is the question! Here are a few arguments in favor of pie charts that have been missing from the debate.
Christopher Laubenthal
This Analogy Explains How People Can Access Your Insights
Analogies can effectively explain complex topics in our field. The “fish in the pond" analogy shows ways to make insights more accessible.
Kelsey Nanan
A Decade Wrapped – Plotting Nostalgia for a Data Viz Gift
Need a great gift idea? Try making a personalized data viz for that special someone.
Erica Gunn
Step 7 in the Data Exploration Journey: Spin-Off Projects
With large projects, it's common to pursue spin-off ideas for the material that doesn't fit into the core project. Here are two examples.
Claudia Berger & Chris Alen Sula
Crafting Connections: Lessons from Installing a Data Physicalization
The challenges and successes of making a physical data visualization, from initial conceptualization through installation.
Krisztián Szabó
Making “The Pope on the Road,” an AI-Driven Interactive Site
Using ChatGPT and AI-generated images to build a scrollytelling story about Pope Francis's visit to Hungary.
Krisztina Szucs
How to Create Animated Stacked Triangle Charts Without Code
With Plot Parade you can make a stacked triangle chart without code. The tool can also turn the chart into a GIF animation. Here's how.
Nick Desbarats
Connected Scatterplots Make Me Feel Dumb
Connected scatterplots are often used to show the relation between two variables over time. Why use them when there are better alternatives?
Elsa Richard
A Crowdsourced Geodata Project Is Aiding Education Efforts in Tanzania
A geodata project helped diagnose problems with education access in Tanzania, allowing education stakeholders to devise solutions to boost school attendance.
Erica Gunn
Step 6 in the Data Exploration Journey: Cut to Realistic Scope
A project to find insights from DVS's State of the Industry Survey data moves from the analysis stages to preparation for build out.
Theresa-Marie Rhyne
The Generative AI Blues: Choosing Data Color Schemes with Adobe’s Firefly
Follow these steps to explore color choices with Adobe Firefly, a creative generative AI model. Plus: the color theory behind the process.
Matthew Mason & Massimiliano Belli
Step Aside Line Graphs And Bar Charts! This Is a Job For Me.
If line charts and bar charts don't quite fit the data, step charts can be a great alternative. Here's a primer on when—and how to—use them.
Prasanta Kumar Dutta
Visualising the Spread of a Hypothetical Pandemic
Creating animated globe visuals required months of exploring data, playing with D3, leveraging several graphics tools—and a few clever hacks.
Amy Cesal & Amanda Makulec
Teaching the Foundations of Data Visualization
Thinking about teaching data viz? DVS co-founders Amy Cesal and Amanda Makulec share their thoughts on developing an overview class.
Dan Petrovic
Building a Tour de France Beer Map With GPT-4: A Non-Developer’s Perspective
As a non-developer, it was challenging using GPT-4 to build a data visualization. Here are my lessons learned about working with the AI tool.
Lindsey Poulter
Finding The Right Elements For an Award-Winning Dashboard
Lindsey Poulter won the World Data Viz Prize using a mix of dashboard features—including a shuffle button to randomize the view.
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