Healthcare Insights Using Voice-Generated Data Visualizations
Dr. Erin Stevens collapses into her office chair after another hectic day at the clinic. She just spent 10 straight hours bouncing between patients without..
Nick Desbarats
I Stopped Using Box Plots: The Aftermath
I recently learned that my 2021 article about why I no longer use box plots is now the second-most-read article in Nightingale’s history? (or, at..
Daria Voronova
The Business MRI: A Smarter Way to Track Performance and Collaborate
It’s Monday morning, and the team is in a rush. Everyone scrambles to pull numbers from slow-loading tables published on the Tableau Server. Marketing is..
Alex Kolokolov
From Big Screens to Paper Printouts: Adapting Your Dashboard for Different Formats
Will your dashboard be seen on a phone? In an auditorium? On a printout? Here are the best practices for eight possible dashboard formats.
Marian Eerens
How Dieter Rams’s Design Principles Apply to Dashboard Design
Legendary designer Dieter Rams established 10 principles of good product design. Here's how to interpret those principles when designing business dashboards.
Eli Holder
Unfair Comparisons: How Visualizing Social Inequality Can Make It Worse
Our new research shows how popular chart choices can trigger unconscious social biases and reinforce systemic racism. At first glance, the charts below seem harmless...
Mark Palmer
How to Get Executives on Board with Data Visualization
Convincing senior executives to jump on the data visualization bandwagon isn’t as complicated as you think: here are five tips to get senior decision-makers on..
Nick Desbarats
Why I Stopped Using Bullet Graphs (and What I Now Use Instead)
tl;dr: After teaching many data professionals about bullet graphs and using them in many dashboards, I started to notice that they had a fair number..
Noëlle Rakotondravony
Functional Aesthetics for Data Visualization: A Behind-the-Scene Q&A with the Authors
If you ever wondered how to make a visualization or a dashboard that’s beautiful and functional at the same time, then read on. I had..
Or Misgav
Can We Understand Blood Test Results without Numbers? Ask Participant 23
About a year ago, I handed in my dissertation. I was examining new visualisation of blood test results amongst UK patients. The aim was to..
Kat Greenbrook
Reasons to Visualise the Same Data, Differently
You may have heard, “data visualisation should tell a story” – but this is not always true. Data visuals are created for many reasons: from..
Erica Gunn
Step 3 in the Data Exploration Journey: Productive Tangents
This article is part IV in a series on data exploration, and the common struggles that we all face when trying to learn something new...
Shachee Swadia
The Declutter and Focus Concepts – Popular Academic Opinions or Effective Design Principles?
Declutter and focus are two guidelines for creating clear and efficient visualizations. The declutter guideline suggests removing all the non-critical elements of the chart like..
Amanda Makulec
Starting Out in Data Visualization Today
My career path in data visualization might best be described as meandering. I started as a public health analyst, writing reports and web content for..
Jenn Schilling
Early Sketches for Career Portraits in Data Visualization
This article is part of a larger effort to leverage the DVS Survey data to provide useful insights about data visualization to our members. Previous..
Ama Nyame-Mensah
Beyond the Bar: Alternative Methods for Visualizing Two Points of Change
People love comparisons, whether between two groups or the difference in an outcome between two time points. Many data (visualization) designers use a clustered bar..
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