The inaugural Data Is Plural visualization challenge prompted readers to explore the London Stage Database, which describes 100,000+ performances in London from 1660 to 1880...
Heather Jones
SPOTLIGHT: Tipping Points
Sometimes inspiration can come from a really bad thing. This was a personal project I made after the “Me Too” deluge in late 2017, when..
Nightingale Editors
Dear Nightingale Submissions: Paper and NO Pencil
The inaugural Dear Nightingale analogue data visualization challenge prompted readers to create a handmade data object to visualise a personal dataset, using a piece of blank paper..
Núria Altimir
Building Science Graphics: Behind the Scenes with author Jen Christiansen
Jen Christiansen is senior graphics editor at Scientific American and has written the book Building Science Graphics: An Illustrated Guide to Communicating Science with Diagrams..
Matt Brehmer
At the Vanguard of Interface Design
Implications for visualization from the 2022 UIST symposium The ways in which we interact with data and visualization may look and feel very different in..
Or Misgav
SPOTLIGHT: Using Dataviz to Inform My Childcare Decisions
My son Ethan was 18-months old when he had his first daycare summer break. It was my first summer break as a mum, and I..
Mrinal Ghosh
How to Locate and Understand the Reasons for Rising Land Surface Temperature
September 2022 has been one of the hottest Septembers in the last 143-years of global climate record, as per the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration..
Joshua Pine
REVIEW: Functional Aesthetics for Data Visualization by Vidya Setlur and Bridget Cogley
The multi-disciplinary nature of the data visualization profession presents opportunities for fruitful collaboration while also leading to points of tension. One such source of tension..
Mark Palmer
How to Get Executives on Board with Data Visualization
Convincing senior executives to jump on the data visualization bandwagon isn’t as complicated as you think: here are five tips to get senior decision-makers on..
Emma Tait
No Straight Lines: My Process Is Messy and Full of Failures and That’s Okay
The DVS Mentorship Program revolutionized my creative process: learning is iterative, failure is vital, growth comes in many forms, and straight lines are overrated. No..
Andriana Georgieva, Laura Meloni, Cesco Reale & Edgar Walthert
Say It in Icons! – The KomunIKON Project
My language limits are my world limits
Discovering Data Visualisation: How I Discovered and Fell in Love with Data Visualisation Art
I stumbled upon data visualisation art quite by accident early in 2022, at a time when I was at an interesting crossroads in my life...
Salomé Esteves
“I Can’t Draw” and Other Conversations I Always Have with My Dataviz Students
When you, like me, have been teaching for a while, you realize there’s a fundamental paradox: no two clusters of students are alike, yet all..
Miriam Quick
Dataviz Horror Story: Miriam Quick
Have you ever made an embarrassing mistake in a data visualization? Did you utterly fail to meet your client’s or boss’s vision? Did you proudly..
Georgios Karamanis & Lee Olney
Playing Dataviz Tennis for Collaboration and Fun
Inspired by Layer Tennis, we collaborated on four data visualizations (four matches) where we swap the file back and forth adding to the work. Each..
Karthik Muthuswamy
SPOTLIGHT: Do You Feel What Others Feel?
Emotions around the globe - Illustration by Gunilla Hagström
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