What Data Visualization and Analysis Taught One Activist about Airbnb’s Impact on Communities
Activist and technologist Murray Cox has been described as a “Lone Data Whiz” who is Airbnb’s “Public Enemy No. 1 in New York.” These monikers..
Evelina Judeikytė
Sponsor Outlier!
Does your organization value data visualization? Please consider sharing this message with them! Outlier – the global virtual data visualization conference – will be back..
Liubov Popovets
Analytics of Avant-Garde: How Soviet Artists Designed Data
Internet research teaches us that people don’t read a text, but scan it. Fonts, pictures, and charts are used to highlight important ideas. A hundred..
Simran Parwani
Early Career Corner: Meet Dzifa Amexo
I feel so lucky to be the Early Career Director at DVS: I get to talk to all sorts of people about data visualization and..
Mary Aviles & Jason Forrest
Information Empowerment Bridges Expertise to Amplify Impact, Part 2
Part two of a six-part series on the application of design thinking for data practitioners, business intelligence analysts, researchers, and anyone working with data. Catch..
Liz Bravo
Data and Technique: Reflections on Visualizing by Hand
Lee este artículo en español aquí. Before people began creating data visualizations with Tableau, Illustrator, R, and all the software that makes it easy for..
Liz Bravo
Datos y Técnica: Reflexiones sobre Visualizar los Datos a Mano
Read this article in English here. Antes de hacer Visualización de datos con Tableau, Illustrator, R y todos los softwares que nos facilitan hacer Dataviz,..
Emilia Ruzicka
Plan Planet: Part 6 of a Year-Long Personal Data Project
This is the sixth installment of a year-long data visualization journey. If you want to read the fifth part before jumping in, here’s the article..
Jason Forrest & Raeedah Wahid
Interview with the South China Morning Post Infographics Team
One of the most interesting teams in the world has to be the Infographics team of the South China Morning Post. Based in Hong Kong,..
Jorge Camões
Dataviz Horror Stories: Jorge Camões
Leia este artigo em portugues aqui. Have you ever made an embarrassing mistake in a data visualization? Did you utterly fail to meet your client’s or..
Jorge Camões
Histórias Aterradoras em Visualização de Dados: Jorge Camões
Read this article in English here. Alguma vez cometeu um erro constrangedor numa visualização de dados? Passou por completo ao lado da visão do cliente..
Theresa-Marie Rhyne
Five Steps to a Diverging and Contrasting Color Scheme for Data Visualization
In this writing, I discuss the similarities between a Complementary Color Harmony and a Diverging Color Scheme for data visualization. The final results can look..
Claire Santoro
Michelle Rial’s New Book, Maybe This Will Help, Feels Like a Hug From a Friend (With Charts!!)
If there’s one thing that the last 18 months have shown us, it’s that we are all Going Through Some Stuff. Maybe that’s dealing with..
DVS Editor
Print Subscription Starts Today!
We are one step closer to Nightingale’s quest toward establishing a print magazine. After announcing our intentions at the beginning of the year, today we..
Eva Sibinga & Erin Waldron
Cognitive Load as a Guide: 12 Spectrums to Improve Your Data Visualizations
The internet is brimming with tidy lists of data visualization best practices, and their definitive confidence can be quite comforting. But at the end of..
REVIEW: “Data Visualization: Storytelling” on LinkedIn Learning
After decades of dancing between a natural affinity for engineering and an insatiable obsession with visual aesthetics, I’ve recently landed in the professional field of..
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