How One Team of Journalists Puts Visuals at the Center of Every Story
As journalism outlets increasingly adopt data-driven and visually compelling “scrollytelling” stories, Kontinentalist has made them a fixture of its coverage.
Neil Richards
ColorWise: A Review and Interview with the Author, Kate Strachnyi
Color expert Kate Strachnyi shares the top tips from her new book—a reference tool for both beginners and experts, alike.
Daleen Rabe
Honing Your Skills in Data Visualization as a Designer
Starting anything new can be daunting. This past year, I set out to improve my skills and confidence in data visualization. A topic that sounded..
Heather Jones
SPOTLIGHT: Tipping Points
Sometimes inspiration can come from a really bad thing. This was a personal project I made after the “Me Too” deluge in late 2017, when..
Silvia Romanelli
Fixing My Design Process from the Inside Out
Has this ever happened to you: you’ve just read one of those articles outlining the perfect design process: understanding your audience, defining an idea or..
Nicolas Kruchten
IEEE VIS 2022 Highlights
IEEE VIS 2022 happened between October 16th and 22nd in Oklahoma City and I was really happy to have been able to attend in person...
Erica Gunn
Step 4 in the Data Exploration Journey: Knowing When to Stop
This article is part V in a series on data exploration, and the common struggles that we all face when trying to learn something new...
Eli Holder
Unfair Comparisons: How Visualizing Social Inequality Can Make It Worse
Our new research shows how popular chart choices can trigger unconscious social biases and reinforce systemic racism. At first glance, the charts below seem harmless...
Matt Brehmer
At the Vanguard of Interface Design
Implications for visualization from the 2022 UIST symposium The ways in which we interact with data and visualization may look and feel very different in..
Or Misgav
SPOTLIGHT: Using Dataviz to Inform My Childcare Decisions
My son Ethan was 18-months old when he had his first daycare summer break. It was my first summer break as a mum, and I..
Joshua Pine
REVIEW: Functional Aesthetics for Data Visualization by Vidya Setlur and Bridget Cogley
The multi-disciplinary nature of the data visualization profession presents opportunities for fruitful collaboration while also leading to points of tension. One such source of tension..
Emma Tait
No Straight Lines: My Process Is Messy and Full of Failures and That’s Okay
The DVS Mentorship Program revolutionized my creative process: learning is iterative, failure is vital, growth comes in many forms, and straight lines are overrated. No..
Ama Nyame-Mensah
When Oversimplification Obscures
When I first entered the information design space, I was eager to expand my knowledge of data (visualization) design and the wide range of disciplines..
Ripley Cleghorn
Behind the Scenes of “The Future of Data Science”: An Interview with Ciera Martinez
A few months ago I had the pleasure of sitting down with Ciera Martinez to discuss the founding of the project, Data Science by Design,..
Georgios Karamanis & Lee Olney
Playing Dataviz Tennis for Collaboration and Fun
Inspired by Layer Tennis, we collaborated on four data visualizations (four matches) where we swap the file back and forth adding to the work. Each..
Jenn Schilling
Making a Data Collage for Dear Nightingale: Paper and NO Pencil
SNEAK PEEK: Nightingale Issue 2 is in design now! We’re so excited for you to see how your community has interpreted the theme of “Inspiration.”..
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