Mary Aviles, datacitron, Jason Forrest & Claire Santoro
Nightingale Magazine, Issue 1 Retro: What We Learned
Now that the Spring 2022 issue of Nightingale Magazine is showing up in mailboxes all around the world, the editorial team wanted to share some..
Evelina Judeikytė
Behind the Scenes of the First Nightingale Magazine with Its Creative Director
Enjoy an exclusive interview with Nightingale’s creative director Julie Brunet (datacitron) on how the magazine came to life. This interview originally appeared in #ThePlot newsletter...
Michael Friendly
Remembrances of Things EDA
Published for Tukey Day, June 16, the 107th anniversary of John Tukey’s birthThis article recounts the origins and influences of the movement in statistics and data..
Claire Santoro
Three Questions with… Jason Forrest
Jason Forrest is the Director of the McKinsey & Co. Data Visualization Lab and Editor-in-Chief of Nightingale. Check out his writing for Nightingale here.1. If..
Eli Holder
Timely Advice – How Long Does Dataviz Take?
Visualizing 3iap timesheets for 10 dataviz client projects. How much time goes into researching, data-wrangling, designing, and building different types of data visualizations? Every client..
Yan Holtz
SPOTLIGHT: The Pinterest of Data Visualisation
150 stunning chart examples, and growing! I’ve just created a website called and it showcases hundreds of stunning dataviz projects I’ve encountered in the..
Elsie Lee-Robbins
SPOTLIGHT: Visualizing Five Years of Bullet Journaling
Bullet journaling is a style of journaling where you start with an empty dot grid notebook, and fill it with different pages that you create..
Pilar Dibujito
DESTACAR: Visualización de La mujer de los perros
Read the English version here. El siguiente proyecto consistió en la traducción del guión cinematográfico de La mujer de los perros – una película argentina..
Pilar Dibujito
SPOTLIGHT: Visualization of Dog Lady (La mujer de los perros)
Lee este artículo en español aquí. The aim of this project was to translate the film script of Dog Lady (La mujer de los perros) –..
Rachel Costa
Data + Women Quarterly: Finding Your Path in the Data & Tech Industry
Hello everyone! I’m Rachel, one of the co-organisers of the Data + Women network. Nice to meet you! For those who have never heard of..
Kathryn Hurchla
Getting to Know… Lawrence Gray, PhD
The dataviz community is broad and encompasses practitioners from a range of backgrounds, professions, and interests. In an effort to get to know the community,..
Claire Santoro
Three Questions with… Michael Brenner
This content originally appeared as part of The ‘Gale, Nightingale’s biweekly newsletter. Michael Brenner is the Head of Design at DATA4CHANGE and the creator of..
Jason Forrest
REVIEW: Atlas of the Invisible
It’s been about 450 years since Theatrum Orbis Terrarum was published by Dutch cartographers in 1570 as an attempt to collect the entirety of knowledge..
Claire Santoro
Three Questions with… Mary Aviles
This content originally appeared as part of The ‘Gale, Nightingale’s biweekly newsletter. Currently a senior UX researcher at Detroit Labs and the managing editor of Nightingale,..
Claire Santoro
Three Questions with… Nancy Organ
This content originally appeared as part of The ‘Gale, Nightingale’s biweekly newsletter. Nancy is currently a freelance data visualization designer and developer, with past lives..
Alexandra Khoo
Blog This: Transforming How Students Engage and Learn from Visualization Research
What started out as an experiment by Professor Niklas Elmqvist to make student work more meaningful gave rise to VisUMD. It’s a Medium blog that..
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