Querying the Quantification of the Queer: A New Data Structure for Gender Spectra
As long as binary designations continue to be used, queer individuals will be misrepresented. Here's a redesigned gender data structure.
Victoria Radnothy
Worth the Right Swipe? Using Data to Find Love on Dating Apps
Curious about online dating life but hesitant to try out the apps, a love-seeker visualizes dating data to boost chances of success.
Duncan Bradley
Taking Time Is an Effective Way To Process Large Numbers
A striking memorial to the victims of COVID-19 in the UK reveals a neglected temporal dimension of data visualisation.
Thabata Romanowski
Is It Data? Is It Art? It’s a Data Self-Portrait!
To step away from the constraints of her day job, a data vis practitioner made an introspective art piece with tools she hadn't used before.
Jeremy Ney
Mapping Inequality Can Drive Social Impact
The practice of "opportunity mapping" shows hotspots of inequality, helping government officials and social justice groups know where to direct their efforts.
Nightingale Editors
Dear Nightingale Submissions: Paper and NO Pencil
The inaugural Dear Nightingale analogue data visualization challenge prompted readers to create a handmade data object to visualise a personal dataset, using a piece of blank paper..
Letícia Pozza
A Camera That Prints the Futures We Envision – with a Bit of Help from an AI
One of the first things that made me fall in love with my husband was that in the early days of our nine-year relationship, he..
Eli Holder
Unfair Comparisons: How Visualizing Social Inequality Can Make It Worse
Our new research shows how popular chart choices can trigger unconscious social biases and reinforce systemic racism. At first glance, the charts below seem harmless...
Or Misgav
SPOTLIGHT: Using Dataviz to Inform My Childcare Decisions
My son Ethan was 18-months old when he had his first daycare summer break. It was my first summer break as a mum, and I..
Senthil Natarajan
Meet the Data Visualization King of Basketball Twitter: Todd Whitehead
Not long ago, I had the opportunity sit down with Todd Whitehead to discuss how he creates visualizations that dominate the discourse. Please note that..
Ama Nyame-Mensah
When Oversimplification Obscures
When I first entered the information design space, I was eager to expand my knowledge of data (visualization) design and the wide range of disciplines..
Andriana Georgieva, Laura Meloni, Cesco Reale & Edgar Walthert
Say It in Icons! – The KomunIKON Project
My language limits are my world limits
Jenn Schilling
Making a Data Collage for Dear Nightingale: Paper and NO Pencil
SNEAK PEEK: Nightingale Issue 2 is in design now! We’re so excited for you to see how your community has interpreted the theme of “Inspiration.”..
Júlia Borsi, Tamás Varga & István Korompai
What’s a “Handmade Data Object” Anyway?
This is an unusual viz — for a variety of reasons — so here’s a quick guide to reading it: the two dials represent twelve..
Sarah Clark
What’s Cookin’?
Years ago, I took the advice of a famous writer whose name I can’t recall. He suggested that for an idea to be thoroughly examined,..
Annick Rietz
How Long Does It Take to Fall in Love?
Humans have long been curious about the process of dating and finding the right person. Now that we can swipe left and right on the..
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