After a long qualifying process packed with surprises (Italy missing out as the reigning European champions) and last minute drama (both Egypt and Peru missed..
Nightingale Editors
Data Is Plural Submissions: London Stage Database
The inaugural Data Is Plural visualization challenge prompted readers to explore the London Stage Database, which describes 100,000+ performances in London from 1660 to 1880...
Heather Jones
SPOTLIGHT: Tipping Points
Sometimes inspiration can come from a really bad thing. This was a personal project I made after the “Me Too” deluge in late 2017, when..
Nightingale Editors
Dear Nightingale Submissions: Paper and NO Pencil
The inaugural Dear Nightingale analogue data visualization challenge prompted readers to create a handmade data object to visualise a personal dataset, using a piece of blank paper..
Jules Grandin
En 2015, je travaille au journal Le Monde. Alors que je prends une pause sur la terrasse ensoleillée, un nuage fait son apparition au-dessus du..
Silvia Romanelli
Fixing My Design Process from the Inside Out
Has this ever happened to you: you’ve just read one of those articles outlining the perfect design process: understanding your audience, defining an idea or..
Nicolas Kruchten
IEEE VIS 2022 Highlights
IEEE VIS 2022 happened between October 16th and 22nd in Oklahoma City and I was really happy to have been able to attend in person...
Erica Gunn
Step 4 in the Data Exploration Journey: Knowing When to Stop
This article is part V in a series on data exploration, and the common struggles that we all face when trying to learn something new...
Núria Altimir
Building Science Graphics: Behind the Scenes with author Jen Christiansen
Jen Christiansen is senior graphics editor at Scientific American and has written the book Building Science Graphics: An Illustrated Guide to Communicating Science with Diagrams..
Letícia Pozza
A Camera That Prints the Futures We Envision – with a Bit of Help from an AI
One of the first things that made me fall in love with my husband was that in the early days of our nine-year relationship, he..
Eli Holder
Unfair Comparisons: How Visualizing Social Inequality Can Make It Worse
Our new research shows how popular chart choices can trigger unconscious social biases and reinforce systemic racism. At first glance, the charts below seem harmless...
Matt Brehmer
At the Vanguard of Interface Design
Implications for visualization from the 2022 UIST symposium The ways in which we interact with data and visualization may look and feel very different in..
Or Misgav
SPOTLIGHT: Using Dataviz to Inform My Childcare Decisions
My son Ethan was 18-months old when he had his first daycare summer break. It was my first summer break as a mum, and I..
Mrinal Ghosh
How to Locate and Understand the Reasons for Rising Land Surface Temperature
September 2022 has been one of the hottest Septembers in the last 143-years of global climate record, as per the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration..
Senthil Natarajan
Meet the Data Visualization King of Basketball Twitter: Todd Whitehead
Not long ago, I had the opportunity sit down with Todd Whitehead to discuss how he creates visualizations that dominate the discourse. Please note that..
Joshua Pine
REVIEW: Functional Aesthetics for Data Visualization by Vidya Setlur and Bridget Cogley
The multi-disciplinary nature of the data visualization profession presents opportunities for fruitful collaboration while also leading to points of tension. One such source of tension..
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