From Camera Roll to Color Harmony: Greening a Visualization
A smart phone with a camera allows us to easily capture images of colors and the world around us. With an app like Adobe Capture, it..
Mary Aviles
Thoughtful Design: The Power of Naive Optimism
I hope that I am raising my three children to be inquisitive, innovative thinkers (and also good humans!). Design thinking was not a capital-T Thing..
Alexandre Morin-Chassé
The Stellar Chart: An Elegant Alternative to Radar Charts
Radar charts, also called web charts, spider charts or star charts, are often used to display various characteristics of a profile simultaneously. Whether it presents..
Theresa-Marie Rhyne
Color Brewing the Perfect Storm
Today, I describe my previous 2008 efforts to colorize a Perfect Storm data simulation while I was at the Renaissance Computing Institute at North Carolina State University...
Federica Fragapane
Can Data Visualization Help Us Talk to Children About Earth?
Writing with visual alphabets As a data visualization designer, I think about the pieces I’m working on as the visual equivalent of articles or stories...
Claire Santoro
Visualizing Energy Production in the U.S.
Are renewables on the rise? Depends where you are. Energy: we all use it, but we rarely think about where it comes from. That’s a..
Theresa-Marie Rhyne
The Blues of Color Harmony
As noted previously in “Colorizing a Visualization,” Color Harmony is the process of choosing colors on a Color Wheel that work well together in the composition of..
Theresa-Marie Rhyne
Colorizing a Visualization
The flow chart above diagrams the process of colorizing a visualization using blank templates from the Interaction of Color app, an invaluable tool both for learning about..
Silvia Romanelli
Why Should Non-Profits Add Data Visualisation to their Communication Toolkit?
After the corporate sector and journalism, non-profit organisations are slowly starting to put their data to use and visualise it—for example, using numbers, maps, and..
Will Chase
Constructing a Career in Dataviz: Getting Started
In 1984, when my parents were searching for their first home together, my dad decided the best solution — given their limited budget — was..
Andy Krackov
Flattening the Curve and Expanding My Understanding
I’ve worked in the field of health data visualization for about 20 years now, so I’m embarrassed to say that, before this week, I hadn’t..
Mary Aviles
Data Visualization As an Act of Witnessing
In late 2016, I read an article by Michael Brennan, principal of Detroit-based, nonprofit design firm Civilla, in the Harvard Business Review. I was haunted by this line: “I..
Emilia Ruzicka
Racial Bias in Code and Data: An Interview with Alex Garcia
As a young data journalist, I was advised to attend NICAR — an annual data journalism conference organized by Investigative Editors and Reporters and their suborganization, the National..
Alexandra Khoo
Four Big Dataviz Myths, Busted
On a dedicated channel, #dvs-topics-in-data-viz, in the Data Visualization Society Slack, our members discuss questions and issues pertinent to the field of data visualization. Discussion..
Erica Gunn
How to Use Whitespace, the Punctuation Between Visual Elements
This is the first in a series of articles that illustrate how basic design principles can improve information display. The next installment will apply some..
Erica Gunn
Designing for Charts
This is the third in a series of articles that illustrate how basic design principles can improve information display. Previous articles focused on whitespace and..
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