This is the fourth in a series of articles that illustrate how basic design principles can improve information display. The previous article focused on cleaning up the..
Sarah Steimer
Peter Grundy on Informative, Fun, and Elegant Design
Learn how Peter Grundy, 40-year information design veteran, educates his audience through cheery, simple illustrations.
Amy Cesal
How to Create Brand Colors for Data Visualization Style Guidelines
The most common push back I hear about creating a unique style guide for data visualization, is “We have a style guide for the brand,..
Tiffany France
Choosing Fonts for Your Data Visualization
The purpose of data visualization is to provide a layout that relays lots of information quickly. Good visualizations help the user understand complicated data without..
Theresa-Marie Rhyne
Simply Scattered: Enhancing Color With Geometry in a Visualization
In my previous “Colorizing a Visualization” writing, I covered the analogous and complementary color harmonies. Today, I will discuss a hybrid of the two harmonies..
Theresa-Marie Rhyne
From Camera Roll to Color Harmony: Greening a Visualization
A smart phone with a camera allows us to easily capture images of colors and the world around us. With an app like Adobe Capture, it..
Federica Fragapane
Can Data Visualization Help Us Talk to Children About Earth?
Writing with visual alphabets As a data visualization designer, I think about the pieces I’m working on as the visual equivalent of articles or stories...
Theresa-Marie Rhyne
The Blues of Color Harmony
As noted previously in “Colorizing a Visualization,” Color Harmony is the process of choosing colors on a Color Wheel that work well together in the composition of..
Alexandra Khoo
Four Big Dataviz Myths, Busted
On a dedicated channel, #dvs-topics-in-data-viz, in the Data Visualization Society Slack, our members discuss questions and issues pertinent to the field of data visualization. Discussion..
Erica Gunn
How to Use Whitespace, the Punctuation Between Visual Elements
This is the first in a series of articles that illustrate how basic design principles can improve information display. The next installment will apply some..
Erica Gunn
Designing for Charts
This is the third in a series of articles that illustrate how basic design principles can improve information display. Previous articles focused on whitespace and..
Alexandra Khoo
Sweet Love: Popular Wedding Songs Reimagined As Cupcakes
These days, it seems, you can’t attend a wedding without hearing the soft croon of Ed Sheeran at some point. It got me thinking, is..
Jason Forrest
How I Became Myself Again: What Writing Did for My Self-Worth in 2019
I love year-end lists not only to learn about the best movies, books, articles, and events of the previous year but also because I really..
Jason Forrest
The Greatest Library You’ve Never Heard Of: ‘The Visual Telling Of Stories’
Dr. Chris Mullen’s drive to collect and share information has created a fascinating archive with a focus on Fortunes Magazine and the history of visual..
Johannes Wirges
What Board Games Teach Us About Data Visualization
Recently I visited the biggest trade fair for board games in the world. The Internationale Spieltage (Spiel) takes place annually in my current hometown of Essen in..
Noëlle Rakotondravony
Power to the Powerless: An Interview With Mona Chalabi
Mona Chalabi is a data journalist and data editor at The Guardian US, where she publishes columns about data visualization that relate to the news. Prior to that, she..
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